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Publisher and owner

Venusta Musica EO
registered at the regional court under
No. 1938/2021 from 08.02.2021

Via Grubl 176, 39028 Silandro
T. 347 090 64 63
Tax number IT 91067190214


Content Responsibility

President Sabina Mair


Design and realisation

Studio Mediamacs KG
Via dott. Julius Perathoner 35, 39100 Bolzano




All content published on www.venustamusica.eu has been carefully checked by the editors. No liability or guarantee is assumed for the correctness and completeness of the content. The same applies to all websites that are connected via hyperlink. Venusta Musica EO is not responsible for the content of the linked websites. Venusta Musica EO reserves the right to update, change and supplement the contents of the website.


The copyright of all illustrations, texts and concepts belongs to Venusta Musica EO and the photographers involved, even if they are not mentioned by name. Publication, even in part, is only permitted with our prior written consent. Reprinting and exploitation of press releases are permitted provided the source is acknowledged. The use of images offered for download is permitted exclusively for the purposes of current reporting. The pictures must be provided with the corresponding picture credits.